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Is Paperman’s girlfriend really condemned to remain with her bad kidnapper Mr. Papercone?
Or will you help Mr. Paperman launch a rescue mission before it’s too late …?

TIME: 60 minutes
PLACE: Branická 16, Praha 4, Red door

Groups of 2-5 members, adults or adults with children older than 10 years

There is something wrong on the way to Ms. Paperman. Would you be able to solve the submarine puzzle and reach your destination safely?

TIME: 60 minutes
PLACE: Branická 16, Praha 4, Yellow door

Groups of 2-5 members, adults, adults with children older than 10 years or just a group of children older than 10 years

A submarine journey coming soon!

Due to the technical problems we had to interrumpt work on the Yellow room. In the mean time we are working on the Blue room. Don’t worry, the story of Mr. Paperman will continue! Thank you for your understanding.
Připravujeme pro vás na rok 2018!